Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Good Day

Today has been a good day. I received a card from my son!!! The card was full of love and bible verses he is memorizing. I am going to give it some effort as well.

The front of the card speaks of the beauty in simple moments and everyday things.

How often the simple blessings from God are passed over as we go about our busy day. It has been in my spirit to be more thankful for the small things. God is in the small things as well as the big things. We will find Him everywhere.
Today I am thankful for life. Really, it is not cliche'. I am alive and experiencing the love of my husband, my sons and my friends. The beauty of the Lord is around me everywhere I look in my own backyard. Flowers, trees, green grass, squirrels, birds and cloudy skies. We all with unveiled faces behold the glory of the Lord.

Hope & Blessings,
Janet Lee